2002 week in England

Buckingham Palace

Julie on guard

*Buckingham Palace

*Buckingham Palace

*St. James Park

*St. James Park

*St. James Park

*Tower of London

*Tower Bridge

Tower of London

*Millennium Wheel London Eye

Fire Truck

Fire Truck

Westminster Bridge

Big Ben

Houses of Parliament

Houses of Parliament

*Houses of Parliament

*From London Eye

*From London Eye

*From London Eye

Houses of Parliament

*Houses of Parliament

*From London Eye

From London Eye

From London Eye

From London Eye

From London Eye

From London Eye

*River Thames

*Houses of Parliament

Bill on London Eye

*Bill on London Eye

Windsor Castle

*Windsor Castle

*Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

*Windsor Castle

*Duck at Kew Gardens

Duck at Kew Gardens

*Kew Gardens

Geese at Kew Gardens

Julie at Kew Gardens

*Cacti at Kew Gardens

*Julie and Cousin Hannah

Julie & Mary in Chester

*Chester City Wall

Chester Castle

Old Bridge in Chester

Old Bridge in Chester

Too cold to kayak?

*Old Bridge in Chester

View from London Eye

*Julie & Mary in Chester

Cute Bldg. in Chester

*Eastgate Clock Chester

*Shops of Chester

Church in Chester

Outside the wall of Chester


Lake District Countryside

Lake District Countryside

*Lake District Countryside

Lake District Countryside

Lake District Countryside

*Julie & Bill & Rock Wall

Rock Wall & Sheep

Mary at Windy Lookout

Can almost see the Irish Sea

Can almost see the Irish Sea

Can almost see the Irish Sea

*Lake Windermere

Climbing Orrest Head

*Climbing Orrest Head

Climbing Orrest Head

Climbinb Orrest Head

*View of Lake Windermere

View of Lake Windermere

Orrest Head

On Orrest Head

*Top of Orrest Head

Top of Orrest Head

Top of Orrest Head

Top of Orrest Head

Lake Windermere

Lake Windermere

From Orrest Head

From Orrest Head

*From Orrest Head

*From Orrest Head

Orrest Head

Rocks on the Hillside




Lake Windermere

Lake Windermere

Lake Windermere

Aira Force Park Ullswater

Aira Force Park

Aira Force Park

Aira Force Park

*Aira Force

*Aira Force Park

Aira Force Park

Aira Force Park

Aira Force


*Stone Bridge

Aira Force

Ullswater Lake

Aira Force Park

Aira Force Park

*Bill Making a Fence

Julie & Tree Trunk

Mary's 2nd room

Mary's Room

Mary's Stairs

Mary's Sun Porch

Mary's Sun Porch

Mary's Yard

Mary's Garden

Mary's Storage Shed

Mary's Living Room

Mary's Kitchen

Outside of Mary's Flat

Sun Porch from Living Room

Entryway from Kitchen

More Kitchen

Mini Washing Machine

Mary's Ford Focus

Mary's Neighborhood

Mary's Neighborhood

Mary's Neighborhood

Curvy Roads

Narrow Roads

Town of Downham?

Town of Downham?

Town of Downham

Curvy Road



Monument near Castle Howard

Road to Castle Howard

Road to Castle Howard

Wall around Castle Howard

Boats in Whitby

Boats in Whitby

Nets in Whitby

Dock in Whitby

Fishing Boat in Whitby

More boats in Whitby

Whitby Docks

*Whitby Shore

Boatyard in Whitby

Julie in Whitby

Mary in Whitby

Boat in Whitby

*Boat in Whitby

Floating Apts.?

View of Whitby

View of Whitby Marina

Whitby Pier & Lighthouse

Whitby Pier


Church of St. Mary - Whitby

Churchyard, Church of St. Mary

Whitby Abbey

Whitby Abbey

Streets of Whitby

Rotating Bridge Opening

Robin Hood's Bay

Cute Car

Robin Hood's Bay Village

Lots of Chimneys

Launch - Robin Hood's Bay

Launch - Robin Hood's Bay

More Chimneys

*More Chimneys

Chimneys Again

Robin Hood's Bay

Tiny House

Train Station - Preston

Train Station

Train Station

Train Station

Train Station


Mind The Gap



Train Signals

Lots of Wires

Lots of Wires

Hampton Court Palace

Hampton Court Palace

Hampton Court Palace

*Hampton Court Palace

Shrubbery Maze Hampton Court

Gardens @ Hampton Court

Gardens@Hampton Court

Julie @ Hampton Court

*Hampton Court

Hampton Court

Geese @ Hampton Court

Goose @ Hampton Court

Swan @ Hampton Court

Goose @ Hampton Court

Julie @ Hampton Court

*Julie @ Hampton Court

*Julie @ Hampton Court

*Hampton Court Palace

*Hampton Court Palace

*Spring Flowers - Hampton Court

*Hampton Court

Spring Flowers Hampton Court

*Pheasants Hampton Court

Pheasant Hampton Court

Pheasant Hampton Court

Pheasant Hampton Court

Pheasant Hampton Court

*Pheasant Hampton Court

*Hampton Court Palace

*Hampton Court Palace