misc pics

Afton - Bill Scott Maggie Zach Joanna

Amy and Chris pool cover 1

Amy and Chris pool cover 2

Amy neighbor pool cover 1

Amy neighbor pool cover 2

Bill birthday cake

Bill birthday Julie Bill Bud

Bill birthday Ranae Bill Bud

Cardinal at Zach's 1

Cardinal at Zach's 2

Cardinal at Zach's 3

Christmas tree 1

Christmas tree 2

Christmas tree 3

Christmas tree 4

Christmas tree 5

Corn field stripes 1

Corn field stripes 2

Dave and Busters Bill Dave Zach

Dave and Busters Katie Joanna Hilary Julie

Dave and Busters Katie Joanna Hilary

Field work 1

Field work 3

Field work 2

House 1

House 2

House 3

House 4

House 5

House 6

Zach Bday Bill and Julie

Zach Bday Bobby

Zach Bday Julie Zach Joanna 1

Zach Bday Julie Zach Joanna 2

Zach Bday Julie Zach Joanna 3

Zach Bday Vince Avery Kari

Zach Bday Zach and Joanna 2

Zach Bday Zach and Joanna

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