visit Ellen in Denver

Daniel 1

Daniel 2

Daniel 3

Daniel 4

Daniel 5

Daniel 6

Daniel 7

Daniel 8

Daniel 9

Daniel 10

Daniel 11

Daniel 12

Daniel 13

Daniel 14

Daniel 15

Daniel and Grandma 1

Daniel and Grandma 2

Daniel and Grandma 3

Daniel and Grandma 4

Daniel and Grandma 5

Daniel and Grandma 6

Daniel and Grandma 7

Daniel meets the neighbor dog

Ellen and Daniel 1

Ellen and Daniel 2

Ellen and Daniel 3

Ellen and Daniel 4

Ellen and Daniel 5

Ellen and Daniel 6

Ellen and Daniel 7

Ellen and Daniel 8

Ellen and Daniel 9

Ellen and Daniel 10

Ellen and Daniel 11

Ellen at Celestial Seasonings

Ellen Daniel Julie 1

Ellen Daniel Julie 2

Ellen Daniel Julie 3

Ellen Daniel Julie 4

Ellen's friend's party 1

Ellen's friend's party 2

Ellen's friend's party 3

Ellen's friend's party 4

Ellen's friend's party 5

Ellen's friend's party 6

Ellen's friend's party 7

Ellen's friend's party 8

Ellen's friend's party 9

Ellen's friend's party 10

Ellen's friend's party 11

Hiking in Boulder 1

Hiking in Boulder 2

Hiking in Boulder 3

Hiking in Boulder 4

Hiking in Boulder 5

Hiking in Boulder 6

Hiking in Boulder 7

Hiking in Boulder 8

Hiking in Boulder 9

Hiking in Boulder 10

Hiking in Boulder 11

Julie and Daniel 1

Julie and Daniel 2

Julie and Daniel 3

Julie and Daniel 5

Julie and Daniel 8

Julie and Daniel 4

Julie and Daniel 6

Julie and Daniel 7

Julie at park near Ellen's house 1

Julie at park near Ellen's house 2

Julie at park near Ellen's house 3

Julie at park near Ellen's house 4

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