
Bobber jar

Bud and Barbara

Bud Miles Bill

Changing lightbulb 1

Changing lightbulb 2

Christmas Miles 1

Christmas Miles 2

It's a white Christmas

Julie and Bill 1

Julie and Bill 2

Julie and Bill 3

Julie and Bill's tree 1

Julie and Bill's tree 2

Julie and Bill's tree 3


Laton and Miles

Laton and Paloma 1

Laton and Paloma 2

Laton and Paula's 2

Laton and Paula's

Laton Miles Ranae Paloma

Laton Miles

Laton Ranae Bill


Miles and Bill

Miles and Scott

Paloma and Ranae

Paula and Miles 1

Paula and Miles 2

Paula and Paloma 1

Paula and Paloma 2

Paula and Paloma 3

Paula Miles Ranae Paloma

Paula Miles Scott

Paula Paloma Ranae 1

Paula Paloma Ranae 2

Ranae and Paloma

Ranae and Paula

Ranae Bud Barbara

Ranae Paloma Miles

Ranae Paula Miles


Scott and Barbara

Scott Miles Laton 1

Scott Miles Laton 2

Tree at cabin 1

Tree at cabin 2

Tree at cabin 3

Tree at cabin 4

Tree at cabin 5

Tree at cabin 6

Tree at cabin 7

Tree at cabin 8

Tree at cabin 9

View from cabin 1

View from cabin 2

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