Trip to Rainy Lake 2004

We Land!

view from our island beach


Little Finlander Island (R18)

small island big deer tracks

sunset at our beach

shore (north)


shore (south)

Inlet from Namakan Lake

Kettle Falls Hotel landing

water into Rainy

Neighbor, next to R18 (a new 2004 site)

Rainy Lake view

a fish! (smallmouth)

great weather, nice sunset

poor fishing, right b4 walleye spawn

June 3 thru 6 2004

boat all loaded with gear

so beautiful



empty camp

Little Finlander Island (R18)

yes it still floats and goes 40mph

trying the underwater housing


Neighbor R22 Saginaw Bay

has a nice dock

Virginia, MN

open pit taconite mine

makes iron/steel

big vein under the city too

move the city?

large dump truck (tonka?)

details of the truck

rail car, details next pic.

what is says

Carl and his new truck tires

another truck

and it's details

major disc brakes

running mine across the way

look at that road

thats one of those trucks

Virginia, MN

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