Andrea's Graduation 2002

Joan's B-day dinner

Joan's B-day dinner

Maisy peeking back

Joan and Aunt Rachel

In the Hummer


Boat house row - Skulkyll?

More boat houses

Becky, Hannah, Kathi - Phillies game

Dave, Jackie, John - Phillies Game

Bird's Eye View

Look up here!

Dre's friends at the game

Hmm - is anyone watching the game?

The gang's all here

Joan and Eddie

Joan, Eddie, Rachel, Fito

Sisters - Julie & Dre

At least Hannah is looking

Dre & friends

Stadium signs

Julie & Andrea

Dave & Bill - Veterans Stadium

Stadium sign

Eddie & Maisy - how cute!

Jonathan in Hummer - how cute!

Will the cap stay on?

Becky is a pro

Andrea & Gavin


Jonathan & Dre

Viewing the Diplomas

Dave & Jackie

Jonathan & Andrea

Dre & advisors Barbara & Gavin

The Graduates

The Graduates



Julie & Andrea

Julie & Andrea

Mary Francis and Andrea

Susan, Eric & Andrea

They are hoods

Showing their hoods


Nail talk

Cap talk?

Eddie, Joan, John, Kathi

Becky and Hannah

Rachel & Fito

Dr. Dre

Dre and Jonathan

Dre & Jonathan & Egyptian Art


Picture prep

Jonathan & Dre

Let's Tango

No pictures please

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